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Muzium Diraja (Istana Negara Lama Kuala Lumpur)

Muzium Diraja (Istana Lama)

The Royal Museum (Old Istana Negara)

Muzium Diraja (Istana Lama)
Muzium Diraja (Istana Lama)

Muzium Diraja di Jalan Istana Kuala Lumpur

Muzium Diraja Malaysia, juga dikenali sebagai Istana Negara Lama, yang terletak di Jalan Istana Kuala Lumpur.

Berikut adalah maklumat mengenai Muzium Diraja Malaysia:

Muzium Diraja Malaysia, atau Istana Negara, adalah bekas kediaman rasmi Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Raja Malaysia.

Muzium ini terletak di atas kawasan seluas 13 ekar di kawasan Jalan Istana, yang menghadap Sungai Klang.

Istana ini asalnya dibina pada tahun 1928 sebagai kediaman seorang ahli perniagaan Cina yang kaya sebelum dibeli oleh kerajaan British.

Selepas Malaysia merdeka pada tahun 1957, istana ini menjadi kediaman rasmi Yang Dipertuan Agong.

Muzium Diraja memaparkan kegemilangan dan kemewahan monarki Malaysia.

Ia memberi pelawat gambaran tentang gaya hidup dan warisan diraja.

Muzium ini terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian, masing-masing mewakili aspek berbeza dalam kehidupan diraja.

Pelawat boleh meneroka ruang terima, pakaian upacara diraja, perhiasan, hadiah yang diterima oleh monarki, dan pelbagai artifak yang berkaitan dengan keluarga diraja Malaysia.

Salah satu tarikan utama muzium ini adalah bilik takhta, yang mempamerkan takhta diraja dan simbol-simbol penting lain yang berkaitan dengan kerajaan.

Dalaman istana ini dihiasi dengan ukiran kayu yang rumit, fabrik mewah, dan elemen hiasan tradisional, memberikan gambaran tentang seni bina dan reka bentuk monarki Malaysia.

Saya ingin menegaskan bahawa operasi dan aksesibiliti muzium ini mungkin tertakluk kepada perubahan, dan disarankan untuk memeriksa maklumat terkini sebelum merancang kunjungan.

Juga perlu diingat bahawa Yang di-Pertuan Agong kini tinggal di Istana Negara yang baru, yang terletak di Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur.

Royal Museum of Malaysia

Royal Museum of Malaysia, also known as Old Istana Negara or the Old National Palace, which is located in Kuala Lumpur.

Allow me to provide you with information about the Royal Museum of Malaysia:

The Royal Museum of Malaysia, or Istana Negara, was the official residence of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the King of Malaysia.

The museum is situated on a 13-acre compound in the neighborhood of Jalan Istana, overlooking the Klang River.

The palace was originally built in 1928 as the residence of a wealthy Chinese businessman before it was acquired by the British government.

After Malaysia gained independence in 1957, the palace served as the official residence of the King.

The Royal Museum showcases the grandeur and opulence of the Malaysian monarchy.

It offers visitors a glimpse into the royal lifestyle and heritage.

The museum is divided into several sections, each representing a different aspect of royal life.

Visitors can explore the reception halls, royal ceremonial attire, regalia, gifts received by the monarchy, and various artifacts associated with the Malaysian royal family.

One of the highlights of the museum is the throne room, which displays the royal throne and other significant symbols of royalty.

The palace’s interior is adorned with intricate woodcarvings, luxurious fabrics, and traditional decorative elements, providing a glimpse into the architectural and design aesthetics of the Malaysian monarchy.

It’s important to note that the museum’s operations and accessibility may be subject to change, and it is recommended to check for the latest information before planning a visit.

It is also worth mentioning that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong currently resides in the new National Palace, known as Istana Negara, located in Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur.


Royal Museum complex consists of two blocks, namely:

National Palace Gallery

The former residence of His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and Her Majesty Raja Permaisuri Agong. National Palace Gallery displays the official and personal spaces of His Majesty and Her Majesty, each of which has a specific name, function, design and its own protocol.

Balairong Seri

Built in 1980s and was used for the official ceremonies of His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and Her Majesty Raja Permaisuri Agong such as Instalation of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Ceremony, Oath of Installation and Acclamation, Investiture Ceremony for Federal Awards and Honours and Royal Dining Banquet.


Opens everyday from 9.00 am – 5.00 pm (except on the first Monday of each month)

Closed on first two days of Raya Aidil Fitri and first day of Raya Aidil Adha



  • Adult: RM 5.00
  • Local Children 6-12 tahun: RM 2.00
  • Senior Citizens: RM 3.00
  • Disabled person: RM 3.00
  • Local students (in uniform): RM 2.00
  • Local students (without uniform 13-17 tahun): RM 3.00
  • Local Children Below 5 years old: Free

Non Malaysia

  • Adult: RM10.00
  • Foreign Children: RM5.00
  • Foreign Children Below 5 years old: Free


Public Washroom, Disabled Person Washroom, Car Park, Wheel Chair and Souvenir Shop.


The visitor can use their own transport or taxi.


Guided tour is available upon request and will be leading by Royal Museum Officers.

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